See my Code

  1. Stocks Market

    Mark 14 September, 2022

    An app built using vanilla js which shows how much profit or loss users are making on their stocks.

  2. Birthday Palindrome Checker

    Mark 13 September, 2022

    An app built with vanilla js to check if entered birthdate is a palindrome. If it is not a palindrome, it will show the nearest palindrome date and how many days it got missed.

  3. Fun with triangle

    Mark 12 September, 2022

    An app built with vanillaJS that performs different calculations e.g area, hypotenuse, etc. including a fun triangle quiz.

  4. Lucky Birthday Finder

    Mark 11 September, 2022

    An app built with vanillaJS where you can enter your birth date and lucky number & know if your birthday is lucky or not.

  5. Cash Register Manager

    MarkTen September, 2022

    An app built with vanillaJS where users can enter the bill amount and cash given by the customer and know the minimum number of notes to return.

  6. Movie Recommedation App

    MarkNine September, 2022

    A movie recommendation app built with vanillaJS that shows my favorite movie with author and ratings.

  7. Emoji Interpreter

    Mark 8 September, 2022

    An app built with ReactJS helps in finding the name of emoji through search or by clicking on the emoji.

  8. Yoda Speak

    MarkSeven September, 2022

    A movie recommendation app built with vanillaJS that shows my favorite movie with author and ratings.

  9. Minions Translator

    MarkSix September, 2022

    A movie recommendation app built with vanillaJS that shows my favorite movie with author and ratings.

  10. Portfolio website

    Markthree Markfour Markfive december, 2021

    This portfolio website is built using HTML and CSS. It contains all my projects & blogs.

  11. Doraemon Fan ?

    Mark twoSeptember, 2021

    A CLI app built with nodeJS.You can send this to your friends and find out who really a fan of Doraemon.

  12. How well do you know me ?

    Mark OneAugust, 2021

    A CLI app built with nodeJS.You can send this to your friends and find out who really knows you .

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